Can You Have Multiple Links On A Page Pointing To The Same Target?

11.11 0

Multiple links

Creating inbound and outbound links on your website smartly is an important part of SEO. We have talked at length about linking strategies that can protect your blogs against algorithmic penalties. Someone once asked me if it was okay to add two links on a page that point to the same target. I just stumbled across Google's Matt Cutts' response to the question, so I thought I'd share it with our readers.

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Top Millionaire Companies That Originated From Blogs

11.11 0

Top Millionaire Companies That Originated From Blogs

Ever wondered where your blog can take you? Many bloggers aim to make money from their blogs. A few aspire to become probloggers, earning six or even seven figures. Fewer still go on to build a full-blown business behind their blogs that make them millions! A couple months ago, I argued that making big money from blogs now is very difficult, nigh on impossible. But not if you do it the way some of the guys in the list below have! Here are a few multi-million dollar companies that were born as ordinary blogs!

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How To Improve Internal Linking To Avoid Panda Penalty?

11.11 0

How to avoid Panda 4.0 penalty

With the recent release of the Panda 4.0, the talk is all about Google's algorithm updates and how they effect websites. I recently wrote a short post on how these algorithm updates work, and how are they compared against older ones. Continuing after that, today we shall discuss some strategies to safeguard against any future Pandas. We have covered similar topics in the past as well, but this time, I want to focus on linking, specifically - internal linking techniques you can employ to stay away from a penalty.

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Why WordPress Is Better For SEO Than Many Others?

11.11 0

WordPress SEO

WordPress is an immensely popular web Content Management System that is used by millions of websites around the world! People never seem to stop asking the question: which is better, Blogger or WordPress? And indeed both have their pros and cons, making it almost impossible to declare a winner. But in today's ever-changing SEO environment, WordPress seems to offer a certain edge to users.

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Now Use Fetch As Googlebot To Render Webpages As Well

11.11 0

Fetch And Render As Googlebot

Google Webmaster Tools has a great feature, Fetch As Google which allows webmasters to see the results of Googlebot trying to fetch their webpages. This tool returns useful information such as server headers and other HTML, which can help diagnose technical problems. It's was a great tool - but now Google has made it even greater! You can now see how Googlebot renders the webpage as well, rather than just fetching it.

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How Do Google's Algorithmic Updates Really Work?

11.11 0

Google Search Algorithm

In light of the recent search algorithm updates such as the Panda 4.0 and Payday 2.0, we got to thinking whether it's ever going to stop. Search algorithms are always evolving, as they have to keep up with more and more complex user requirements, and so updates like these will never stop. But how exactly does Google determine whether one iteration of its search algorithm delivers better quality than the others?

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Fancy Ribbon Backgrounds For Blogger Sidebars!

11.11 0

Ribbon backgrounds with CSS3

Looking for a cool Design Change for your blog sidebar's Headlines instead of that dull plain text headlines? Today we will learn an interesting way of customizing the sidebar Headline Backgrounds in BlogSpot templates. You have seen Photoshop Graphic designs in Ribbon, Canopy or Curtain Style but the problem with them is that you need to have good designing skills to in order to create them further they also slow down the load time of your webpage. Therefore we are bringing forward the simplest solution by designing Ribbon style backgrounds with the help of pure CSS3 rules without using a single image! The method described below can be used to create ribbon backgrounds in any platform, may it be wordpress or Blogger. All you need to do is add up some CSS styles. We are sure this will add an extra ordinary look and feel to your online diaries! The Demo can be seen live on our blog sidebar. Its time to get into your blogger factory and be creative. Lets get started!

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What The New Google Algorithms Like Panda 4.0 and Payday 2.0 Mean For Your Blog?

11.11 0

Google Panda 4.0

Google is in the process of rolling out a couple major updates to its search algorithms since the past few days. Speculation was that the nasty Penguin would be updated. But it's the sterner (yet probably gentler at the same time) Panda that they've decided to update with the Panda 4.0 update. Another relatively lesser known algorithm, Payday was updated to 2.0. Both these updates mark some important changes in SEO that can be expected to steer further developments.

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How to Share Blogger Posts or Pages to Google+

11.44 0
When you share Blogger posts/pages to Google+, an entirely new group of people will be able to find and follow you. Right now, if you access your Blogger dashboard, you'll notice that there's a Google+ tab which can be used to connect your blogs with your Google+ profile or page. If your Blogger blogs haven't already been integrated with a Google+ profile, you can go anytime to the Google+ tab and click on the Get Started button:
share blogger posts or pages to google plus

get started with google+

It's important to note that once you've upgraded your blog to connect with Google+, the posts or pages published on your blog will be listed on your personal Google+ profile. However, you have the option to select whether your content will be shared on your Google+ Profile or Page and associate some blogs with a Google+ page, while keeping other blogs connected with your profile.

How to associate your blog with a Google+ page

In some cases, you may want to associate a blog with the Google+ Page for your brand, business or organisation, rather than your personal profile. For this, simply access your Blogger dashboard, visit the Google+ tab and there you can swap the Google+ connection from using your profile page to a Google+ page linked with your account:

share on google plus

On the right, you'll have the following options:

- Automatically share after posting: This option is enabled by default on all blogs linked to Google+. When you publish a blog post or page, a snippet will automatically be shared publicly on your Google+ page or profile. You can disable this setting just by unchecking this box.
- Promote to share after posting: If you don't want your post to be published automatically, then you can check this option. This option will allow you to share only some blog posts, or share to specific circles.
- Use Google + comments on this blog: This option enables the new Google + comment system on your blog. This is also a new feature provided by Google.

Share Blogger posts or Pages on Google+

If you have the Prompt to share after posting option checked, next time you publish a blog post, you'll see a share box inviting you to share your post with your Google+ followers. Note that the default circle is set to "Public" but you can modify your circles every time you choose to share.

share post on google plus

Once you click the Share button, this post will appear on the profile or page to which you have connected your blog. Keep in mind that if you have posts scheduled to be published later, you will no longer be asked to publish to your Google+ stream. In this case, you can choose to Share your post/page at any time by clicking the Share link beneath a post or page.

share blogger posts on google+

You can also click on this option each time you want to share only certain posts, or if you want to retroactively share posts and you don't want to constantly change the setting.

As soon as you've chosen to use your Google+ profile on your blog, you can start sharing your content on Google+. If you haven't yet made the switch, click on this link to get started.

Most Commented Posts Widget for Blogger with Comment bubbles!

11.11 0

most commented widget for bloggerMost of you requested how we created the Most commented widget that shows the list of Top10 most popular posts sorted by comment bubbles. You can see this widget on our sidebar under the heading "Most Discussed". What we did here was using existing script from Yahoo! Pipes that uses json to parse and display each post with highest number of comments posted on it. Using CSS3 pseudo properties, we then styled the comment count with comment bubbles. This widget is simply a copy-paste tool that can be installed within seconds. Lets add this dynamic and fast loading widget to your blogger blogs!

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How To Find Out Who Isn't Following You Back On Twitter?

11.11 0

Friend Or Follow

Social media is all about connections. But while Facebook might be referred to as an on-stage microphone, Twitter is more like a two-way radio, where businesses rely on interactions to grow (which is kind of ironic, considering it is Facebook that requires mutual consent for a connection). If you're active on Twitter, you may know that when you follow someone, they might not always follow you back. Well, you can use tools like FriendOrFollow to find out who isn't following you back, and who is inactive etc.

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How To Use PageSpeed Insights To Make Your Site Mobile Friendly?

11.11 0

Google PageSpeed Insights

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that going mobile is the new norm these days. A mobile-friendly site is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. If you're working on making your website mobile-friendly, and haven't heard of PageSpeed Insights, then you know nothing! Google has put together (and now updated) a great tool - PageSpeed Insights - to help developers and webmasters make their pages mobile-friendly, with recommendations on mobile usability, and more.

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How to add Static Pages to a Blogger Blog (UPDATED)

12.35 0
A few months ago, Blogger has completely redesigned the section of the Pages, which now, looks very similar to that of the Blogger Posts. Now we will be able to manage the pages with more flexibility. For example, we can publish, delete or change many of them to draft at the same time - which has just the same function as the old Don't show option.

Among the options that we can find by hovering over a page and which we can see in the screenshot below are:

Edit: To access the editing panel and to edit its contents.
View: Open a new tab with the actual page.
Share: Share it on Google+ (which was not possible before)
Delete: remove a page.
add static pages on blogger

static pages, blogger

In order to create a page, we need to open the pages editor from the button that says New Page. Almost every option tells us its function.

How to add a Web Address in the Pages widget

Many Blogger users wanted to know how can we add other web addresses, so that they display in the list of the Pages widget, since this option no longer appears in the "Pages" tab?

Well, now we will have to open the settings of the Pages widget by going to Layout, then click on the Edit link in the widget / gadget for Pages (if you don't have the Pages gadget, just click on the Add a gadget link and select "Pages" from the pop-up window). And from there, we will find the option that says: Add link page and we will have to type the Web Address in the second field every time we want to add a new page from a specific address or URL (see the screenshot below).

add web address, blogger tutorial

Another cool feature that has been built is that now it will be possible to add a search description, and in that field to add the text that we want to appear in search results. Until now, this option has been available only for blog posts.

search description for pages

This option will appear once you enable the Enable search description? option by choosing Yes. This will show up on "Meta Tags" by accessing the preferences for the search engines: Settings > Search preferences > Meta Tags > Enable search description?

How Does Google Treat Breadcrumbs On A Website?

11.11 0

How Does Google Treat Breadcrumbs On A Website?

Breadcrumbs are a great way of letting people know where they have landed on your site. Websites aren't like houses where people can come in through the front door only. They can simply 'materialize' within your site premises, and such is the nature of the web. To enhance the usability of your website, you use breadcrumbs to help people figure out where exactly on a site are they sitting on. Breadcrumbs can also help with the SEO of your website.

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How To Embed Excel Spreadsheet On A Webpage?

11.11 0

While writing an article, presenting data in a tabular form sometimes becomes important. It can be useful to represent statistical or analytical data. Now most of us use a spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Office or Google Docs for data calculation and manipulation, but can only make do with tables - or worse, images - when representing that data online. Well today, I'll show you how to embed Excel and Google Spreadsheets on a webpage.

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Website Applications Fail to Load after HostGator PHP Upgrade - [FIX FOUND]

11.11 0

PHP configuration Plugin by HostGatorHave your website PHP Contact Forms, Login Forms or similar applications stopped working after the recent PHP upgrade made by HostGator? If your answer is yes then today we will discuss the easiest way to counter this problem and fix all your PHP configuration issues. Hostgator often updates all your packages to keep your sites compatible with latest changes in server scripts and to offer better performance and security but sometimes such updates may cause your site applications to stop working. This problem is mostly encountered with Wordpress blogs and PHP forms on a site. This update is simply a change made to your site's .htaccess file. We will use the Plugin available at your HostGator Cpanel plugin called "PHP configuration Plugin" to view or modify your server's script configuration.

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How HTML 5 Section Tags Can Kill Your Site's SEO?

11.11 0

HTML 5 Section Tags

Every HTML page ideally should (and usually does) contain a document outline. This is the logical structure of the page as generated by the title, headings, sub-headings, form/table titles, and so on. The HTML 5 specification makes use of section tags for maintaining a document outline. While this new scheme might make things easier, it could present a danger to your site's SEO if not used properly. Here's how it works;

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How To Optimize Your Site Homepage For International Audience?

11.11 0

How To Optimize Your Site Homepage For International Audience?

Businesses that operate in more than country or locale targeting different languages often deploy different websites, or different sections with language-specific content geared towards individual locales. While managing sub-domains and sub-directories with different URLs for this purpose is easy, it can be a bit tricky to have a common homepage for all these different locales. Here are some recommendations to help you create the right homepage on your website to serve the appropriate content to users depending on their language and location.

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Responsive CSS Timeline with 3D Effect for Blogger

14.26 0
Here's another amazing way to display our Blogger posts. By applying the following Responsive CSS Timeline View with 3D Effect on Blogger Posts, we will have a responsive timeline-like structure of the most recent posts and their thumbnails, along with some cool CSS effects. When clicking on the associated radio input, the posts snippet/summary will expand by changing their style and size and will rotate in 3D. The main structure of this CSS timeline with 3D effect is an unordered list.

To get an idea of what it looks like, you can visit this demo blog.

responsive CSS timeline, customize blogger posts

How to Add Responsive CSS Timeline View to Blogger Posts

Step 1. Go to Blogger dashboard > Template > click on the Edit HTML button:

blogger template, edit html

Step 2. Click anywhere inside the code area and press the CTRL + F keys to open the search box:

blogger search box

Step 3. Type or paste the following tag inside the search box and hit Enter to find it:
Step 4. Just above the </head> tag, copy and paste the following style:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<style type='text/css'>
.post-body img, .post-body .tr-caption-container, .Profile img, .Image img,
.BlogList .item-thumbnail img {padding: 0px; border: 0px;}
.post-footer {display: none;}
.post {margin-bottom: 50px; padding-bottom: 0px; background: none; border: none;}
.jump-link a {display: none;} a {display: none;}
 .date-header {display: none;}
.timeline:before {box-sizing: border-box;padding: 0; margin: 0;}
.timeline {position: relative;padding: 30px 0 50px 0;font-family: Arial, sans-serif;}
.timeline:before {content: &#39;&#39;;position: absolute;width: 5px;height: 100%;margin:0px;top: 0;left: 200px;background: url();}
.event {position: relative;margin-bottom: 80px;padding-right: 40px;}
.thumb {position: absolute; width: 90px; height: 90px;box-shadow:
        0 0 0 8px #87939E,
        0 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.5);background-repeat: no-repeat;border-radius: 50%;-webkit-transform: scale(0.8) translateX(24px);-moz-transform: scale(0.8) translateX(24px);-o-transform: scale(0.8) translateX(24px);-ms-transform: scale(0.8) translateX(24px);transform: scale(0.8) translateX(24px);}
.thumb:before {content: &#39;&#39;;background: transparent url();position: absolute;height: 8px; z-index: -1; width: 50px;top: 42px; left: 100%;margin-left: 8px;
.thumb span {color: #87939E;width: 100%;text-align: center;font-weight: 700;font-size: 15px;text-transform: uppercase;position: absolute;bottom: -30px;}
.event label,.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;] {width: 24px;height: 24px;left: 158px;top: 36px;position: absolute;display: block;}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;] {opacity: 0;z-index: 10;cursor: pointer;}
.event label:after{content: &quot;\2713&quot;;background: #8995A1;border-radius: 50%;color: #fff;font-size: 20px;height: 100%;width: 100%;font-weight: bold;left: -2px;top: -3px;line-height: 24px;position: absolute;text-align: center;}
.content-perspective { margin-left: 230px;position: relative;perspective: 600px;-webkit-perspective: 600px;-moz-perspective: 600px;-o-perspective: 600px;-ms-perspective: 600px;}
.content-perspective:before { content: &#39;&#39;; width: 34px; left: -44px; top: 48px;position: absolute;height: 1px; z-index: -2;background: #fff;}
.post-content {transform: rotateY(10deg);transform-origin: 0 0;transform-style: preserve-3d;}
.blog-post-body {position: relative;padding: 20px;color: #333; border-left: 5px solid #8995A1;box-shadow: 0 4px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);background: #F9F9F9;}
.blog-post-body h3 {border: none;margin: 0px;}
.blog-post-body h3 a{font-size: 21px;padding: 5px 0 5px 0;color: #86919D;margin: 0px;text-decoration: none;border: none;}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .content-perspective .blog-post-body h3 a{color: #F26328;}
.blog-post-body p,.thumb span,.event label {-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;}
.blog-post-body p {font-size: 15px;max-height: 0px; overflow: hidden; color: rgba(0,0,0,0);text-align: left;}
.blog-post-body:before {content: &#39;\25c2&#39;;font-weight: normal; line-height: 86px; font-size: 86px;position: absolute;color: #8995A1; left: -41px;width: 100%;height: 100%; top: 3px;z-index: -1;}
.thumb,.thumb span,.blog-post-body h3 {transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out 0.2s;-webkit-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out 0.2s;-moz-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out 0.2s;-o-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out 0.2s;-ms-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out 0.2s;transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out 0.2s;}
.blog-post-body { transition: box-shadow 0.8s linear 0.2s;-webkit-transition: box-shadow 0.8s linear 0.2s;-moz-transition: box-shadow 0.8s linear 0.2s;-o-transition: box-shadow 0.8s linear  0.2s;-ms-transition: box-shadow 0.8s linear 0.2s;}
.post-content {transition: transform 0.8s cubic-bezier(.59,1.45,.69,.98) 0.2s;-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.8s cubic-bezier(.59,1.45,.69,.98) 0.2s;-moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.8s cubic-bezier(.59,1.45,.69,.98) 0.2s;-o-transition: -o-transform 0.8s cubic-bezier(.59,1.45,.69,.98) 0.2s;-ms-transition: -ms-transform 0.8s cubic-bezier(.59,1.45,.69,.98) 0.2s;}
.blog-post-body p { transition: max-height 0.5s linear, color 0.3s linear;-webkit-transition: max-height 0.5s linear, color 0.3s linear;-moz-transition: max-height 0.5s linear, color 0.3s linear;-o-transition: max-height 0.5s linear, color 0.3s linear;-ms-transition: max-height 0.5s linear, color 0.3s linear;}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked + label:after {content: &#39;\2714&#39;;color: #fff;background: #F26328;box-shadow: 0 0 0 5px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .content-perspective:before {background: #F26328;}
 .event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .content-perspective .blog-post-body h3 { color: #F26328;}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .content-perspective .post-content {transform: rotateY(-5deg);-webkit-transform: rotateY(-5deg);-moz-transform: rotateY(-5deg);-o-transform: rotateY(-5deg);-ms-transform: rotateY(-5deg);}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .content-perspective .blog-post-body {border-color: #F26328;box-shadow: 10px 0px 10px -6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .content-perspective .blog-post-body p {max-height: 460px; color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6); transition-delay: 0s, 0.6s;-webkit-transition-delay: 0s, 0.6s;-moz-transition-delay: 0s, 0.6s;-o-transition-delay: 0s, 0.6s;-ms-transition-delay: 0s, 0.6s;}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .content-perspective .blog-post-body:before {color: #F26328;}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .thumb {transform: scale(1);box-shadow: 0 0 0 8px rgba(242,99,40,1), 0 1px 1px rgba(255,255,255,0.5); -webkit-transform: scale(1);-moz-transform: scale(1);-o-transform: scale(1);-ms-transform: scale(1);}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .thumb span {color: #F26328;}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .thumb:before {
background: transparent url();}
@media screen and (max-width: 850px) {.blog-post-body h3 {font-size: 20px;}
 .blog-post-body p { font-size: 14px; text-align: justify; }
 .event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .content-perspective .blog-post-body p { max-height: 500px; }}
@media screen and (max-width: 540px) {.timeline:before { left: 50px;}
.event {padding-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 100px; }
 .thumb { transform: scale(0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8);-moz-transform: scale(0.8);-o-transform: scale(0.8);-ms-transform: scale(0.8);}
 .event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;] { width: 100px;height: 100px;left: 0px;top: 0px; }
.thumb:before,.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .thumb:before {background: none;width: 0;}
 .event label {display: none;}
 .content-perspective {margin-left: 0px;top: 80px;}
 .content-perspective:before {height: 0px; }
 .post-content { transform: rotateX(-10deg);-webkit-transform: rotateX(-10deg);-moz-transform: rotateX(-10deg);-o-transform: rotateX(-10deg);-ms-transform: rotateX(-10deg);}
 .event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .content-perspective .post-content { transform: rotateX(10deg);-webkit-transform: rotateX(10deg);-moz-transform: rotateX(10deg);-o-transform: rotateX(10deg);-ms-transform: rotateX(10deg);}
.blog-post-body {border-left: none;border-top: 5px solid #8995A1;}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .content-perspective .blog-post-body {border-color: #F26328;box-shadow: 0 10px 10px -6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);}
.blog-post-body:before {content: &#39;\25b4&#39;;left: 33px; top: -32px;}
.event input[type=&quot;radio&quot;]:checked ~ .content-perspective .blog-post-body p {max-height:300px; }}
ul.timeline {list-style-type: none;}

Step 5. Search for the SECOND instance of this code below (hit Enter two times):

Note: depending on the template you are using, you could find more lines like this one above. Therefore, if you don't see any changes after saving the template, try to replace the last one, as well.

Also, please note that if you are using the Read more function, you may need to remove it in order to make it work.

Step 6. After you found <data:post.body/> - replace it this code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<ul class='timeline'><li class='event'><input checked='checked' name='tl-group' type='radio'/><label/>
<b:if cond='data:post.thumbnailUrl'><img class='thumb' expr:alt='data:post.title' expr:src='data:post.thumbnailUrl'/></b:if><div class='thumb'><b:if cond='data:post.dateHeader'><span><data:post.dateHeader/></span></b:if></div>
<div class='content-perspective'><div class='post-content'><div class='blog-post-body'><h3><b:if cond=''><a expr:href=''><data:post.title/></a><b:else/><b:if cond='data:post.url'><b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:post.url'><a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a><b:else/><data:post.title/></b:if><b:else/><data:post.title/></b:if></b:if></h3><p><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'><data:post.snippet/></b:if></b:if></p></div></div></div></li></ul></b:if></b:if>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;static_page&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>
Step 7. Finally, click on the Save template button to save the changes.

Now, we will need to make some small adjustments in order to make the posts date appear correctly:
Go to Layout and click on the Edit link just below the Blog posts area. When the pop-up window appears, check the date option and choose to display the date in the following order (date/month/year):

Note that you can also hide the posts date by unchecking this option.
Finally, click on the Save button and that's it! View your blog and enjoy this Responsive Timeline view with 3D Effect on Blogger posts. If you need more help, please leave a comment below.


What Is The Best Way To SEO Optimize Blog Comments?

11.11 0

What Is The Best Way To SEO Optimize Blog Comments?

The comments section is one of the most important part of any website / blog. It is where most of the conversation happens, so it can pay off to put a bit more thought into it. Sometimes, this section can be much more interesting than the article itself, and can give users a quick reality check as to whether the information they're looking at is actually worth it. You can improve the comments section on our website, and make it more SEO optimized for a greater benefit.

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How A Man With Just $26 Sold A Company For Half A Billion?

11.11 0

Christian Gheorghe

Everyone wants to get rich, as is everyone's right. Some people work long and hard for it, while others get lucky. But if you think it takes resources to become rich, then read the rest of this story, and judge for yourself. It's a story about Christian Gheorghe, a Romanian who came to the U.S with just $26 in his pocket, but a couple decades later, managed to sell a startup company for no less than half a Billion dollars!

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Will Backlinks Ever Lose Their Importance In Google?

11.11 0

Will Backlinks Ever Lose Their Importance In Google?

When Google started off as a basic search engine in its infancy, it had none of the fancy search algorithms. The sole indicator of how relevant a content is to a set of keywords was the frequency of the keyword within the content, and the only way to rank one website over another was by looking at how many backlinks does a site have. However, much has changed now, and complex algorithms like the Penguin and the Hummingbird take search results beyond string matching. The emphasis has now shifted from backlinks to content, but does that mean backlinks will fade away into oblivion?

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Things To Consider Before Developing A Mobile App

11.11 0

There's no denying that mobile is the new digital benchmark and trendsetter for brands across the board. Most companies, whether they be large corporations or small startups, are incorporating mobile apps into their business strategy. We talk a lot about entrepreneurship and skill learning on this blog, and have even prepared tutorials for mobile app development. But before developing a mobile app, there are a few questions that you should ask yourself.

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How To Research On A Domain Before Purchase?

11.11 0

How To Research On A Domain Before Purchase?

Are you doing your homework before buying new domains? When purchasing new domain names, chances are they might not exactly be 'new'. It could have been registered and abandoned by someone else before. Or worse, it could have been involved in malicious activities that could have resulted in search penalties. So how can one do prior research to check if a domain is safe before actually buying it?

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Will Google Ever Stop Changing Its Algorithms?

11.06 0

Google Search Results

In the business world, heuristic dictates that tried and true methods will win over others most of the times. Companies usually stick to their modus operandi, and only rarely change it when they're certain it's gonna be a win win. But this doesn't mean that they don't take risks. Most companies take them. But some take them more often than others. Look at Google, for example. They're changing things dazzlingly fast, not caring whether webmasters like it or not.

Will Google ever stop changing so much in its search results?

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How to Enable Google Plus Comments in Blogger

11.25 0

How to Enable Google Plus Comments in Blogger

Long time ago, Google proudly announced their new integrated commenting system which is now available for users who have created a Google+ profile and connected it with their Blogspot blogs. This way, Blogger users will be able to use Google+ as a commenting system for their blogs, while comments from Google+ will automatically appear on their blogs.
google plus commenting system on blogger

For those who haven't yet upgraded the Blogger profile to a Google+ profile, here's a tutorial on how to associate a blog to a Google plus page. Once you have connected a blog to a Google+ profile, you'll have a new "Use Google+ Comments on this blog" setting on the Google+ tab of your blog. To enable the Google plus commenting system, just check the box next to this setting:

use google+ comments on this blog, blogger tutorial

As soon as you've enabled the feature through your Blogger Dashboard, you'll have the following features:

- Threaded commenting system: the threaded system will allow a reader to reply to other comments on that post, thus the conversations will become much easier, more effective and more enjoyable
- Public and private comments: this ensures a better privacy for your visitors which can make their comments either public or private
- Edit or delete comments: your visitors will be able to edit any comments that they wrote even after publishing, so they don't have to write another comment explaining the correction
- Google Plus One (+1) button in comments: we can up-vote any comment by clicking this button. This is a great feature which could also help you to get some traffic from Google+
- "Also share on Google+" check box: with this option which is right below the comment editor, we will be able to share a specific comment on Google+ and thus get more traffic!

Things to consider before adding the Google Plus Comments in Blogger:

- the Google Plus commenting system won't work for private and adult blogs
- If you are using a third-party commenting system like Disqus, your comments might not be retained when you enable Google+ Comments
- If you change domain name, comments will be gone. Therefore, it would be highly recommended to implement the Google Plus commenting system only after you've decided to use a custom domain name
- If you choose to allow comments pending moderation, you will have to visit the post in order to approve, hide or delete comments before they are publicly visible
- Only registered Google+ users can comment, this means that visitors who don't have a Google+ account will not be able to comment on your blog

How to Enable Google Plus on Custom Blogger Templates

If you are using a custom blogger template, the comments might not show up after checking the "Use Google+ Comments on this blog" setting. In this case, we will need to apply the following trick in order to enable it on custom templates:

Step 1. From the Blogger Dashboard, go to Template and click on the Edit HTML button.

Step 2. Click anywhere inside the code area and press the Ctrl + F keys to open the Blogger search box.
Type or paste the following line inside the search box and hit Enter to find it:
<div class='post-footer'>
Step 3. Just below it, paste this code:
<div class='cmt_iframe_holder' data-viewtype='FILTERED_POSTMOD' expr:href='data:blog.canonicalUrl'/>
Step 4. Click on the Save template button to save the changes... and that's it. Now we should be able to enjoy the Google Plus comments in our Blogspot blogs.

Happy commenting!

Display Blogger Posts in Grid View with Thumbnails

03.51 0
Grid View with Thumbnails is a script for self-hosted Blogger blogs which will display blog posts as a thumbnail grid of images in homepage and archive pages. Instead of sending your blog visitors to a page that displays all the posts in full length with a large image which takes up too much space and requires too much scrolling, now you could have a clean page that displays a gallery grid, with thumbnails and post titles, linking back to the source post for that thumbnail. Let's take a look at what it could look like in this demo blog.

grid view on blogger posts

If you have a wallpaper or photo blog that would benefit from displaying a thumbnail grid style layout, look no further. Here's how you can add Grid (gallery) View to Blogger posts.

Adding Grid (Gallery) View to Blogger Posts

Step 1. Log in to your Blogger account and go to Template > click on the Edit HTML button

blogger template html

Step 2. Click anywhere inside the code area and press the CTRL + F keys to open the search box

Step 3. Type </head> inside the search box and hit Enter to find it.

Step 4. Just above the </head> tag, add the following script and style:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
$(document).ready(function() {

    var width = 200;
    var height = 170;
    var placeholder = '';
    var margins = "0px 0px 10px 10px";
    var fitThumb = 1;
    var titleTopPadding = 5;
    var titleBottomPadding = 8;
    var titleLeftRightPadding = 5;

    var titlePadding = titleTopPadding + 'px ' + titleLeftRightPadding + 'px ' + titleBottomPadding + 'px ' + titleLeftRightPadding + 'px';
    $('.post-body').each(function(n, wrapper) {
        var wrapper = $(wrapper);
        var image = $(wrapper).find('img').first();
        var link = wrapper.parent().find('h3 a');
        var linkURL = link.attr('href');
        var linkTitle = link.text();


        if (image.attr('src')) {
            var thumbHeight = image.attr('height');
            var thumbWidth = image.attr('width');
            var thumbParent = $(image).parent();


            if (fitThumb) {
                    src: image.attr('src').replace(/s\B\d{3,4}/, 's' + width + '-c')
                image.attr('width', width).attr('height', height);
            } else {
                    src: image.attr('src').replace(/s\B\d{3,4}/, 's' + width)
                image.attr('width', width);
                var changeHeight = (thumbHeight / thumbWidth * width).toFixed(0);
                image.attr('height', changeHeight);

        } else {
            var image = $('<img>').attr('src', placeholder).attr('height', height).attr('width', width);
            var thumbParent = $('<a>').append(image).appendTo(wrapper);

        thumbParent.attr('href', linkURL).css('clear', 'none').css('margin-left', '0').css('margin-right', '0').addClass('postThumbnail');

        var thumbTitle = $('<div>').prepend(linkTitle).css('padding', titlePadding).css('opacity', '0.9').css('filter', 'alpha(opacity=0.9)').css('width', width).appendTo(thumbParent);
        var ptitleHeight = thumbTitle.height();
        var summary = parseInt(ptitleHeight) + parseInt(titleTopPadding) + parseInt(titleBottomPadding);
        thumbTitle.css('margin-top', '-' + summary + 'px');
        wrapper.css('float', 'left').css('height', height).css('width', width).css('margin', margins).css('overflow', 'hidden');
    $('#blog-pager').css('clear', 'both');

function hideLightbox() {
    var images = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
    for (var i = 0; i < images.length;++i) {
        images[i].onmouseover = function() {
            var html = this.parentNode.innerHTML;
            this.parentNode.innerHTML = html;
            this.onmouseover = null;

if (window.addEventListener) {
    window.addEventListener('load', hideLightbox, undefined);
} else {
    window.attachEvent('onload', hideLightbox);
.post {
    border-bottom: 0 dotted #E6E6E6;
    margin-bottom: 0;
    padding-bottom: 0;

h2,.post-footer {
    display: none;

a.postThumbnail div {
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #fff;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-transform: capitalize;
    background: rgb(125,126,125);
 /* Old browsers */
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(125,126,125,1) 0%, rgba(14,14,14,1) 100%);
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,rgba(125,126,125,1)), color-stop(100%,rgba(14,14,14,1)));
 /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(125,126,125,1) 0%,rgba(14,14,14,1) 100%);
    background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(125,126,125,1) 0%,rgba(14,14,14,1) 100%);
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  rgba(125,126,125,1) 0%,rgba(14,14,14,1) 100%);
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom,  rgba(125,126,125,1) 0%,rgba(14,14,14,1) 100%);
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr=&#39;
    #7d7e7d&#39;, endColorstr=&#39;#0e0e0e&#39;,GradientType=0 );

a.postThumbnail:hover div {
    display: block;

.post-body img {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 1px solid transparent;
    padding: 0px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 12px;
    -moz-border-radius: 12px;
    border-radius: 12px;
    opacity: 1;
    transition: opacity .25s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: opacity .25s ease-in-out;
    -webkit-transition: opacity .25s ease-in-out;

.post-body img:hover {
    -ms-filter: &quot;
    progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=70)&quot;

filter: alpha(opacity=70);
    -moz-opacity: 0.7;
    -khtml-opacity: 0.7;
    opacity: 0.7;
- If you want to make the post thumbnails larger, modify the 200 (width) and 170 (height) values in blue
- To change the default thumbnail for when there are no images, replace the URL in red with your own.

Step 5. Click on the Save template button to save the changes and View your blog. Now you should have a nice grid view on your Blogger posts. Enjoy!

Now Login To Facebook Apps Without Sharing Your Data!

11.11 0

Facebook Anonymous Login

Facebook and privacy concerns, the two go almost hand-in-hand. Or at least they used to, but perhaps not anymore. In an attempt to quell privacy concerns, Facebook has announced that users can now login to third-party apps without having to share their private data. This aims to put an end to the massive phishing and other such kind of scam that involve extracting personal information by 'rogue' third-party developers.

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