Now Search Twitter Hashtags And Users With Bing!

11.09 0

Bing + Twitter

Search is one game Microsoft just won't give up on, even in the face of stern competition and enormous odds. Constantly adding new features, Bing is all gearing up to take on Google. In a fresh announcement, Microsoft has taken its partnership with Twitter further to include more content from the microblogging site on Bing Search. Starting this week, Bing will include Twitter hashtag and handles searches in its search results.

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Does Spam Comment Links on Blogger effect your Blog SEO or Traffic?

11.09 0

Bloggers probably know more about comment spam than anyone else. It is really annoying to write an article about one thing, and see completely off-topic comments, possibly spam ones that make no sense whatsoever. People usually do it in order to increase backlinks to their own websites. But does that work? And how do these spam comments effect your website? In this post, we'll address some of the popular questions regarding this topic, and will look at how you can help reduce comment spam.

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How Does Bing Choose Post Titles For Search Results?

11.11 0

How Bing selects title tags

Recently, we looked at how it might be worth your while to optimize your website for Bing and Yahoo as well instead of just focusing on Google. We promised to give you more insights into the Bing search engine to help you get along with it. Today, we'll take a look at how Bing Search selects a title for your post to display in search results. Just like Google, Bing doesn't always serve the title that you want in search results.

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Google Removing Author Profile Pictures From Search Results

11.11 0

No more author profile pictures

In a recent development, Google's Webmaster trends analyst John Mueller has announced that Google will be removing all author profile pictures from the search results. In addition to this, Google will also remove Google+ view count in a latest bid to free up some real estate on search results. This is true for both mobile and desktop versions of the search engine, and the changes will be slowly rolled out to all users over the next few days.

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Get Your Android App Indexed By Google!

11.50 0

Ever felt the need to open up an app associated with a website and look for something in that app while browsing on your smartphone? You might, for instance, need a list of places on a map application, or perhaps look up a recipe. Switching context from webpages over to applications can be annoying, and might not always give you what you wanted. Luckily, Google is here to help - it has finally released the much anticipated app-indexing feature for everyone!

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Should You Optimize Your Site For Bing And Yahoo?

11.11 0

Should you even consider Bing and Yahoo?

We all know that when it comes to the search game, no one beats Google. And when you own a game, you're bound to change the rules. Google has made a lot of changes to how we do SEO, and if you think about it, we spend most of our time optimizing for Google. It's all but fair, considering Google owns more than two-thirds of the market. But what about the rest of it? What about Bing and Yahoo that fill up the rest of the space? Is it worth your time to optimize for them as well?

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How to Add or Invite Multiple Authors on Blogger

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If you ever considered working on a blog with multiple authors and you'd like to add others to publish posts or moderate comments, you can invite multiple authors on your Blogger blog. These additional authors have blog posting rights and can be either a guest author or blog administrator.
  1. An author can create and edit only his/her own posts and have restricted access to some of the blog' Settings. There, he or she will be able to access the Posting options and Add a mobile device, or remove themselves from the blog membership. 
  2. An administrator, on the other hand, will have FULL access to the blog' settings and template. Users with this privilege can edit or delete posts made by other members of the blog, add/remove other members or transfer the ownership of a blog.
invite multiple authors on blogger

Related: Add Author's Profile Picture and Name in Multi Author Blog

How to Invite Authors on Blogger

To invite multiple authors on a Blogger blog is really easy. Just follow the steps below:

Step 1. Log into your blogger account at and click the name of your blog

Step 2. Click "Settings" on the left side of the page and go to the "Basic" tab:

invite multiple authors on blogger
Invite multiple authors on Blogger
Step 3. Look for the Permissions/Blog authors section and click on the "Add authors" link. Enter the email address for each author you would like to invite, separating each address with a comma.

Step 4. Click "Invite authors" button at the bottom once you're done. And that's it!

Managing Authors

The invited Authors will be listed after the invitations have been sent. They will need to click the "Accept Invitation" button in the invitation email in order to get started. Authors which have yet to accept or decline the invite will be listed under 'open invitations'. To remove an author from the blog, simply click the Remove icon next to the author's email address:

invite multiple authors on blogger
Cancel the invitation
Once the invited member accept your invitation, they will be listed as an "Author" by default. To give a person full admin privileges, you can change the "Author" status in the "Permissions" section of the Settings > Basic tab to "Admin":

add second admin on blogger
Changing an Author into an Admin in Blogger

Please proceed with caution! Administrators have as much power over your blog as you do, including the ability to permanently delete it!

So this is how you can invite multiple authors in blogger. With this feature, everyone on your team can help create different engaging content for your readers to enjoy.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Backlinks?

11.13 0

Get the most out of your backlinks

Backlinks are very important for performing well in search engines. But building them can be one of the most tedious tasks you might have to do as a webmaster. So before you go around looking for new backlinks, maybe it's better to get the most out of your existing ones. This will improve the 'throughout' of your existing backlinks, so to speak. After all, you need all the help you can get. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your existing backlinks.

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How to Delete a Blogger Blog Permanently

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So you really messed something up and need to delete a Blogger blog permanently, but don't know how? You might have encountered an error message you can't get rid of, or it might be something wrong with the appearance. Blogger lets us to create up to 100 blogs without worrying about bandwidth, but sometimes we just want to reduce the number of junk blogs from list to keep it short and simple. In this case, we may have decided that it is time to delete it. So how do you delete a blog on Blogger permanently?
delete a blogger blog permanently

  Important: Removing or deleting your Blogger blog will also delete all of your blog data, including your existing blog posts. This means that your blog visitors won't be able to view your blog anymore, and that posts and pages associated with Blogger will be removed from your blog. 

1. If you are not already logged in, log into your Blogger account at

2. From the Dashboard (that's the area you see right after logging in that lists all your blogs) select the blog you want to delete. Make sure that you click on the right blog if you have more than one.

3. Navigate to the Settings tab and just below it the Other option. Click on it.

blogger settings, delete blogger blog

5. On the right side is the Blog tools section. To proceed with the deletion then click on the Delete blog link.

If you think you may want to come back to your blog or you've got posts that you want to keep, you can use the Export blog tool to export your blog before you delete it. You can either download your blog posts to your desktop or export it in a format that can be imported into other popular blogging formats.

6. Confirm that you want to delete it and you're done.

how to delete blogger blog

Once you've pressed the Delete This Blog button, you will be redirected to the Dashboard. Notice that your blog is no longer displayed in the list of blogs. If you want to view your deleted blog you can click on the Deleted blogs link on the left side of your Blogger Dashboard to see your recently deleted blogs.

deleted blogger blogs

Here you'll be able to see your deleted blog including details of its deletion date. To restore your blog, click on the Undelete button. Please keep in mind that deleted blogs can be restored within 90 days.

undelete blogger blog

In this tutorial, we have covered some basic reasons why we might want to delete a Blogger blog permanently and the steps involved in deleting a Blogger blog. Instead of deleting the blog, you also have the option of making your blog private. By making it private, the blog will be kept in your Blogger account but no one will be able to view the blog without your permission.

How To Make The Most Of Animated GIFs On Twitter?

11.13 0

Twitter introduces animated GIFs

Twitter timelines used to be woefully color-devoid up until only a few months ago when they finally decided to allow users to add images to tweets. A welcome change, no doubt. Taking one step further, Twitter has introduced another feature - support for animated GIFs - something that has been sadly absent from social media. Facebook doesn't support animated GIFs as yet, which gives marketers on Twitter one more trick up their sleeves.

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Top Emerging Technologies Entrepreneurs Should Consider

11.17 0

Nurture a Business idea into reality

Are you an Entrepreneur looking for the next big idea that would take the world by storm? Generating ideas for startups can be just as daunting as nurturing them from the ground-up to become successful businesses. Fortunately for Entrepreneurs of today, there is a host of technologies they can utilize to take their business to the next level, be it from an investment standpoint, or for a new startup idea.

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How To Get More Of Your Website Pages Indexed By Google?

11.17 0

Google Index Status

When you create a new page on your website, it ideally gets indexed sooner or later. The more pages you have, the more pages you'll get in Google's index, and the more opportunities you can avail. But saying that is taking Google Indexing for granted. Owing to a lot of factors, Google might not index every page it crawls on your site. So what should you do when you see Google giving you the cold shoulder? How can you increase the number of pages indexed by Google?

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How To Stay On Top Of The World Cup With Google?

11.17 0

Google with FIFA World Cup

So, the World Cup has started with quite a flair. And as it progresses, it shows more promise of many a great moments yet to come. Every four years, billions of souls around the world unite together in their craze for the World Game. Keeping up with tradition, Google is trying to bring the greatest moments of this World Cup to all the fans around the World! Now, no matter where you are, you can catch the action easily with Google!

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Google Rolling Out Payday Loan 3.0 Algorithm To Target Spam Websites

11.17 0

Google rolls out Payday Loan 3.0

Google's Matt Cutts recently announced at SMX Advanced in Seattle that Google will soon roll out the third major update to its Payday loan algorithm. Last month, we saw the introduction of the second iteration of the Payday loan algorithm, along with Panda 4.0. For spammy websites, the day of reckoning has come, for Google has now rolled out the promised Payday loan 3.0 which, although is unrelated to Panda or Penguin, aims at cutting down on even more spammy search queries.

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How To Properly Redirect Smartphone Users From Search Results?

11.17 0

faulty redirects

Faulty redirects are a common occurrence in mobile search. Google mobile search often tries to recognize the mobile version of a site, and returns it for anyone using Google Search on mobile. But often times, the mobile sites aren't properly set up to handle requests from smartphones, as some desktop pages might not have their mobile counterparts configured properly. As a result, users who land via search results get redirected to the mobile site's homepage.

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Great Ways To Improve Your Website's Domain Authority

11.17 0

Improve your domain authority

The Domain Authority of any website reflects upon how well it is doing in its field. Developed by Moz, this metric is one of the most important ones in SEO, as it will dictate your prowess in search results. I recently did an article on how to determine the authority of any domain, in which I explained how you can tell two domains apart based on their authority factors. As promised, I'm here again to discuss some of the ways you can improve your domain authority.

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How Can Content Be Ranked If It Has Very Few Links To It?

11.17 0

Matt Cutts

How many of us, when starting off with a blog or a website, have asked the very same question? It's a common problem faced by every beginner who has content to put on his fresh domain, but lacks the popularity to get backlinks. Now you know how important backlinks are for search engines, and there's a whole science to it. But doesn't it seem unfair that quality content with no links, written by a beginner gets snuffed out by content from other well-established blogs?

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How To Determine The Authority of Any Domain?

11.11 0

How To Determine The Authority of Any Domain?

When it comes to ranking well in a search engine for a certain keyword (or keywords), Authority is everything. More authority beats less authority every time, simply because it can! Certain domains or websites have an authority on certain topics, because every subject has an expert. Search engines today understand authority, and have their algorithms designed so as to give preference to authoritative domains for any search query.

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How To Get Mobile Version Of A Page Recognized By Google?

11.11 0

Let Google Know about the mobile version of a page

There are many ways you can optimize your website to handle mobile traffic. You can have responsive web design, dynamically serve content, or maintain a separate mobile site altogether. But how do you tell Google about this mobile version of a page, so that it can be shown in mobile search results? Users searching Google on a smartphone should ideally see mobile sites instead of desktop sites. So how exactly do you go about telling Google about the mobile version of a webpage?

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How Does Google Understand Webpages Today?

11.11 0

How Google has evolved

Back in 1998 when Google first started, it was little more than a text-based search algorithm that matched query string with websites it knew about, and returned the best possible match based on the frequency of keywords. Webpages back then were just as simple, with normal text content and little styling. Webmasters didn't have to worry about a thing - they built textual content that showed up in search results if relevant. Now though, a lot has changed. Technologies like JavaScript and CSS have completely taken over, and website developers now need to take care of a lot more things.

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How To Get Confidential Information About A Website?

11.11 0

Get confidential information about a website

Ever wondered how to get certain confidential information about a website that you can't normally get from an About Us or Contact page? Who is the owner of a website and how to get in touch with him? Where is the website hosted? What ad-networks is a site using? What Content Management System is powering a site? The answer to these questions can sometimes be useful, for example when you're looking for information about your competitors, or maybe just trying to follow the footsteps of your favorite blogger.

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How To Make The Most Out Of Google Search?

11.11 0

Google Search Tricks

Do you know how to Google? You probably don't. There are certain tweaks Google keeps on adding to provide a better search functionality to its users. Even the most seasoned Googler might not know every tip and trick available with just a few extra keystrokes in the search bar. Here are some handy Google search tricks that will make your life a hell lot easier! (You can thank us later :P)

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What Is This "Right To Be Forgotten" Thing All About?

11.11 0

Right to be forgotten

What is this new "Right to be forgotten" that everyone seems to be talking about all of a sudden? Well, earlier this month, Europe's top court ruled that people can ask Internet search engines to remove links to content that is inadequate, irrelevant or could be deemed to infringe on their right to privacy. In response to this ruling that sent shock waves through the internet industry, Google has created a portal where it is handling all such requests from residents in Europe.

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