HootSuite For Blogger - Install the App Now!

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Connect Blogger to HootSuite

Probably one of the best things about blogging in this age has to be the level of automation you can get nowadays. Long gone are the days when you even had to add html styles in your posts by hand. It is amazing how easy things have become today. You might already be familiar with social media automation, and how you can cross-publish your posts across multiple platforms. HootSuite is one application that's pretty well known in this regard. Well, now there's good news for bloggers! HootSuite has finally been integrated with Blogger! Now, you can automate the whole blog posting process right from where you manage your social media!

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Google Strict Penalty on Sites that Sell Links To Pass PageRank

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Note: This post is recommended to all readers and must be read word by word for your own benefit.

Were you fortunate enough to achieve a PageRank 3, 4 or higher? If yes then you might be receiving several emails in your inbox from link building companies that wish to pay you up to $100-$200 for a link on your blog post. I am sure its excites you greatly when you find such a great opportunity to make some free bucksBut wait! Google's web spam Head Matt Cutts has just announced on Webmaster Central blog last Friday that a strict action will be taken against websites and blogs that sell links for the sole purpose of manipulating Search engine ranking and passing PageRank juice.

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Add AdSense right After <!--More--> Tag

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Adsense positioning in bloggerThis is a great tutorial which will multiply your current click through rate and add a new boom to your over all Adsense earning. With a big repository of plugins for Wordpress blogs like Quick Adsense, WP users never need to worry while adding Adsense to any part of the blog they wish but in blogger we lack plugins that could do the job automatically. Therefore this week my main focus lies in developing more of such plugins that could provide you great front end experience. Thanks our developer Ahmed Nasir the script developed this time will automatically insert your AdSense Ad right after the opening paragraph (Post summary) or the read more button(Jump Break). The read more link is distinguished by the HTML tag "<!--more-->" , we will use a simple Jquery code to tell the browser to append an Ad zone with a unique div ID, right before the more tag. In  browsers where JavaScript is disabled the Ad zone will instead display at the end of post. You can see the demo on our blog, right after reading this line...

(You will see below a 468X60 Adsense for content Ad).

Update: I have disabled the Ad display for browsers where JavaScript is disabled. 

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Installing Zemanta on Blogger - A New Way to create Blog Posts!

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Creating quality content is a major concern for bloggers. It is one thing to establish a good-looking and well-optimized website which is SEO friendly, and quite another to update it with fresh, regular content which is of high quality. No matter how well a site is optimized for search engines, content still remains the king, and Google regards content more highly, since it is oriented towards the users more. Creating quality content, and adding value to it isn't an easy job. But don't worry! People who use Google Blogger now have access to an amazing tool, Zemanta, which will help them create quality content, and spice it up with images, links, and more!

UPDATE: If you are not well versed with SEO then we don't recommend that you may use this tool. Please read the following tutorial to know why:

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HostGator's Biggest February Discount - 35% OFF!

HostGator's Biggest February Discount - 35% OFF!

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It's our third continuous happy year since 2011 when we first hosted all sites of our network under the protection of this blue alligator. The reason what makes HostGator folks special is their great discount offers on special occasions. The coupon code that we received this month will give all MBT readers a straight 35% OFF on all shared hosting, reseller and dedicated server plans. To make it more simple, a 3 year standard registration of a hatchling plan will grant you a discount of over $62, $100 for baby plan and amazingly $163 discount for Business Pan. Registering directly from elsewhere would give you only 20% discount, therefore you still have over a week left to utilize this great opportunity to kick start a new online venture.

Note: Offer Expires on 28 FEB 00.00 US Time

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Google Explains How To Use Search Queries in Webmaster Tools

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Search Queries

Google Webmaster Tools is a great friend to bloggers and webmasters. It hosts a great many features, and provides a lot of help to both beginner, as well as advanced users. For example, the URL parameter customization tool helps optimize your URLs, you can use Google Webmaster Tools to get advanced index reporting, and so on. The list of features is long and distinguished. Have you ever wondered about what the Search Queries feature under 'Traffic' did in Webmaster Tools? You can use some of the information provided to improve your site. We'll talk about this Search Queries feature in today's post.

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Display Post Views Count in Blogger - New!

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blogger postviews pluginYes you heard it right, all BlogSpot blogs will now be able to display a dynamic count for individual pageviews. We can now easily create this  post view counter without worrying about servers or server code. With a free service like Firebase you can now create dynamic and data-driven plugins for blogger without worrying about backend development. Firebase was launched in April 2012 and since then it had been the hub for developers. Amazingly this free plan gives you 10GB Free bandwidth and 5GB Free storage. Which in our case is more than required! We had been lucky to utilize this free service for blogger platform and create some amazing scripts with the help of our developer Ahmed Nasir. Today's tutorial will help you to install a dynamic script that will automatically increment its initial count value when a visitor views your blog posts. The counter data will be stored on a free database provided by Firebase. Lets first see a demo!

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Who is a Premium AdSense Publisher?

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Google Premium AdSense Publishers

In any business institution or organization, people who bring in good value are usually rewarded. Like many online companies, Google relies upon ads for its business. The more ad-clicks you get on your website, the better it is for Google, because Google ultimately gets a portion of its AdWords share. Just like most companies, Google has an incentive program with which it rewards AdSense publishers who bring in lots of click, and effectively help Google as well. This incentive program is dubbed "Google Premium AdSense Publishers". Many of our readers have had some confusion regarding Premium AdSense Publisher accounts. So that shall be our point of focus in this post today.

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How to Host Web Content on Google Drive?

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Google Drive

Google Drive, as you might know, is one of the more recent cloud storage services. For starters, it offers some functionality that makes it better than its closest competitors, i.e. SkyDrive and DropBox. One such feature is the seamless integration with other Google products, and the story doesn't end there. Google Drive will also let you host static web content, so that you can run a simple website right on your drive! This sort of functionality was only offered by DropBox before. Now, it's Google's turn to establish its superiority. In this post, we'll talk about hosting your own web content on Google Drive.

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Top 10 Google Drive Tips for Advanced Users

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Google Drive

Google, as you know is the leader when it comes to web technology. It launched its cloud storage services around two years ago, which is an infant age when compared to other closest competitors from the crowd, such as SkyDrive and DropBox. Some people might have some reservations against Google Drive, but a lost of people, especially avid Google users love it, probably because integrates so well with other Google products such as Docs etc. If you're one of these people, you might like to check out some of the top 10 Google Drive tips for more effective usage.

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Facebook's Location Tracking - Are We Ready For This?

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Facebook Places

With a stalling stock, and tough competition from peers, it seems Facebook is now getting a bit more than it bargained for. This probably explains why they're hard at work improving their service, and introducing more features such as Graph Search, video and voice calling, and some brand new marketing features, the list is long, but doesn't end there. Facebook is introducing a new location tracking feature, which will help Facebook friends who are nearby to connect to each other. Additionally, businesses will be able to reach out to customers and promote offers to users based on their location. Apparently, this is a big change. But are we ready for this kind of thing?

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Google Analytics finally introduced Solution Gallery!

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Google Analytics Solution Gallery

If you're like me, and like to check up on your blog's Analytics data every so often, then you must have wondered many a times as to what are the best metrics you could use to, say, see your stats from a certain perspective. For beginners, setting up Google Analytics can be a daunting task, since there are so many options, and the availability of the thousands of metrics to choose from doesn't make it any easier. Many people feel that their dashboard is lacking, and perhaps they are missing out on a lot of stuff, which is why they often turn towards online help, and see what other bloggers have in their dashboards. Well, hopefully, there will be no more looking now, as Google just announced a new feature, the Google Analytics Solution Gallery!

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4 Best ways to Contact Blogger for a Deleted Blog

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contact blogger teamHas Google just sent an email that mentions that your BlogSpot blog has been deleted due to spam complaint or copyright violation or for being flagged several times? If yes then you are not alone because several blogs are deleted on monthly basis, sometimes for genuine reasons and sometimes mistakenly. If you feel that your blog was mistakenly removed due to a DMCA request filed against you, or you have taken the necessary steps to remove the infringing content, as per Google they can surely reinstate the blog upon receipt of a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of the DMCA.

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URL Redirection for Demo and Download Links in Blogger

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url redirection in bloggerLooks like every time we get a new project from university, we get a new idea to implement it on BlogSpot blogs. Last year we were given the task of developing a twitter clone social media network. We made extensive use of HTML Data-[content] attributes and this led us to create custom Iframes to redirect demo and download links in blogger. Most of twitter's user-interface objects are controlled using this parameter and jQuery built-in functions. We will use the exact same approach to control link redirection in blogger without the need for any web hosting account or complex web scripts. This Blogger plugin is indeed the first of its kind. We just hope this small effort proves useful for all Blogger users especially those who share download resources with their readers.

Update: Links will now also open in new tab. Problem fixed.

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Google PageRank Update February 2013

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pagerank update 2013

Google Toolbar has once again changed the green painted color. PageRank which is indeed a great link analysis algorithm has been refreshed and websites are now ranked again on the scale of 0-10 based on the quality backlinks. This latest Google PageRank update took place today i.e. 4th February 2013 as expected. Google rolls out a PR update on quarterly basis which means websites are ranked on a scale of 0 to 10 after every 3 months. The last update was on November 2012 and just after three months a new update was rolled out. For over two years, despite thousands of backlinks (over 7,800) our blog maintained a PR 4.0 and just today Google was generous enough to finally take us to the next level. We have Alhamdulillah attained PR 5.0 and it's indeed a great motivational feedback from Google. There are reasons why our PR did not increase for such a long time. For the past three months we had been working on a strategy that really played well and I will be sharing all these details today.

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Animated Google AdSense Ads [Videos]

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Google AdSense

As it would seem, Google is putting up quite some effort into improving upon their AdSense program. A couple of months ago, we saw new, larger ad units released by Google, and this was just one of the many features introduced in 2012. More recently - this week in fact, Google introduced free video-ad serving for people using Doubleclick For Publishers. And now, it seems like Google is introducing a whole new feature - animated ads for AdSense. This could well be one of the biggest changes in years!

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Template Customization - Need Help?

11.27 0
web designing help

Hey welcome!

We warmly welcome you to our 24/7 Template Editing Free Help and support forum. Here you can find solutions to all your website design problems. You are also welcome to help each other by posting replies only if you are sure with your suggested solution.

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