Major Search Engine Highlights Of 2014

10.33 0

SEO in 2014

SEO is a pretty dynamic industry, and gets out-dated easily each year. It constantly gets refined and improved, incorporating the latest usage trends into search. SEO experts have to constantly readjust and re-analyze their strategies. According to Moz, there have been as many as 83 major search algorithm updates since 2011. That's almost 2-3 updates every month. This year is at an end as well, so we'd like to take this opportunity to look back at what changed in SEO in these last 12 months.

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Use Dropbox To Host Your WordPress Website Images

11.01 0

Save images to Dropbox

Dropbox is a great way to share content with the world easily. It offers hot-linking to images which is useful. Recently we talked about how hosting your media content on a faster third-party server can help you out in many ways. If you're a Dropbox user, you can use your Dropbox storage to host images from your small to medium-sized website. Today, we'll talk about using Dropbox as an external media storage for your WordPress site.

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Should You Host Blog Images On An External Server?

10.33 0

External servers

For most blogs and websites out there, the bulk of their size comes from images. For videos, most bloggers resort to any of the video sharing websites such as YouTube, Vimeo and so on. But what about images and other media content? It only makes sense to host large images on a faster third-party server as well. Fortunately for bloggers, this isn't an alien concept. There are much faster servers out there known as CDNs (Content Delivery Networks). We'll talk about using third-party services for hosting your images.

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The Top Search Highlights Of 2014

10.33 0

Each new year brings us joys and sorrows, pain and relief, new innovations and set-backs. But most importantly, leaves behind a legacy - memories and experiences that shape us for the better. If the most popular searches of the year are any indication, 2014 was not too delightful a year. But hey! Life has its up and downs right? Check out this video on the major search highlights in the year 2014.

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How To Manually Add Disqus Comment Widget to Blogger?

10.33 0


In a previous post, we talked about integrating Disqus comments in a Blogger blog. That is just one of the ways to add this commenting system to your blog. If you're the geeky type, you'd want to do it manually, just so you know you can control it and customize it to your liking. It can also come in useful when the Disqus gadget installer isn't working. So today, we'll look at a manual way of installing the Disqus commenting system on your blogger blog.

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How To Automatically Add Disqus Comment Widget to Blogger?‏

10.33 0

Disqus commenting system

One of the most common problems bloggers face is comment moderation. If you want to get serious in the world of blogging, you'd do well to get set up with a good commenting platform, because you need one - managing the comments on your blog can be a real pain, and will consume a lot of your time. The Google Plus commenting system is good, but it has its downs. One of the most popular commenting systems today used by Bloggers around the world is Disqus.

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Now Search For Song Lyrics Within Google!

10.33 0

Google Play Music

After Bing started showing song lyrics within search results earlier this year, Google has finally decided to follow suit. The feature started on a silent roll-out last week, and was first observed by Search Engine Land. The new lyrics section has been added to search results in a knowledge-graph manner, with the lyrics on top and a Google Play link at the bottom.

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Make Money With Steam This Holiday Season!

10.33 0

Make money on Steam

Winter is usually the most anticipated time for serious PC gamers, because the holidays mean one thing and one thing alone - gamer sales! Steam and EA's Origin, the two most popular digital game distribution platforms, have already kicked off their Christmas sales, and for gamers, this is nothing short of a spring vacation. However, for the business-minded, it is more than just a sale - it's an opportunity to make a few bucks easily.

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Top 10 Most Popular Google Searches In 2014

10.33 0

2014 - Most popular Google searches

The year 2014 is almost at an end and new year is right around the corner now. A lot of good and bad things happened this year, but as you will soon find out, people tend to focus more on depressing things. Google releases a list of the most popular searches every year, which reflects the most searched topics in the past 12 months.

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WordPress 4.1 Now Available For Download

10.59 0

WordPress has come a long way from the boring old 2.0+ version to the much more optimized and streamlined version you see today. With the 4.0 update, WordPress greatly improved the media experience for users, along with other performance improvements. WordPress continues its rapid stream of updates, and has announced that WordPress 4.1 is now available. It boasts of many new features.

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How to Build High Quality Backlinks

10.50 0
One of the secrets to creating more web traffic with your posts is to build in some backlinks. To build high quality backlinks is one of the most popular methods to boost your content over the competition. However, finding the right methods to build the backlinks is going to take a little effort.

Everything starts with understanding what a backlink is and what it will do for your content. From there, you can then extend your efforts to build even more backlinks using creative and effective means that maximizes the potential of your content.


What is a Backlink?

A backlink is an incoming hyperlink that connects the web page or content to another website. Backlinks are very important when it comes to page ranking as Google rates them highly. However, the backlinks themselves must be of good quality in order to generate the rankings needed to boost your content ahead of the competition.

Quality of the backlinks is important because having 10 good ones will beat 200 bad ones in terms of Google rankings. So, you must strive for quality each and every time. However, it will take time to build up backlinks to your articles because people will have to see it and then decide to link to it in order to add more value to their site.

If you look at adding good backlinks as a long term strategy, you will eventually reap the rewards that they offer. What follows are some interesting ways to start building good quality backlinks so that you can start your success today a little bit at a time.

Create Long, Interesting Posts

One of the easiest ways to start creating good backlinks is by writing a good, long tutorial post that uses images, charts and other graphics to really make it interesting. It will need to be from 1000 to 1200 words long and not have any filler, so the information really needs to be good and tight to make it interesting.

How-To guides often make the best long posts, especially if you can really hit the details so that people will fully understand how to do what you are explaining to them.

Participate in Forums

A person who is active in the forums when it comes to the subject that you are writing is building a network of potential fans who might offer high quality backlinks to their work. This is a delicate matter as you don't want to come across as someone only interested in what they can do for you. This will mean offering quality backlinks to those who participate in the forum as well if you find their articles useful and informative.

Write e-Books

An e-Book is one of the best ways to help spread the word about your talents and you can ask your friends to share it with the world through social media as well. You can also send your links to the best in social bookmarking sites as well to help augment your efforts.

With e-Books, you don't have to write very many, but it does help if you create ones that are very useful, highly readable and can be shared so that you can build high quality backlinks.

Create Special Days

One of the more interesting ways to build high quality backlinks is creating special days like St. Patrick's Day, Halloween or Valentine's Day to offer discounts on your products or services. You can actually build up to the day as well with special writing and content features to help pull in more traffic.

Remember, you'll need to do some research on your audience to see what type of holidays and content works best for their interest, but Valentine's Day is one that everyone shares, so that is an easy one to write good content, or run a contest that is bound to get good, high quality backlinks.

Have Free Products

Everyone likes free products and this can help you boost the number of visitors to your website. You can have a free e-Book or even a promotional gift if you want. While it may take some investment, the result will be getting more web traffic which in turn creates more demand for your products or services.


YouTube may very well be the biggest marketing tool of the moment with no signs of slowing down. If you can create a funny, interesting video then you will start getting some great backlinks. Today, the technology to create a solid, professional-looking video is dirt cheap compared to just a decade ago.

You can create "how-to" videos or find something interesting to make a video about as long as it relates to the industry in which your business is in. The key is to do something fun and enjoyable for your audience so that they will start sharing it with their friends.

Interact with Other Blogs

When you read a blog or see a video you like that is within your industry, don't just say "good job" and leave it at that. Write a good, interesting comment or review so that you can really share your thoughts. Remember to be positive, articulate and get right to the point. If you can write your thoughts in an entertaining, audience-pleasing way, you can start building up an audience for your comments and reviews.

Do Guest Blogging

Want to make a great impression? Find a good place to guest blog and write until you get that post to go viral. This will not only attract you an audience, but by helping out someone else you will build high quality backlinks as well.

It will take time, effort and the ability to write well. But if you can pull it off, your stint as a guest blogger will pay off big time for your efforts. The key is to write something that attracts people's attention and provides you with a place to write again for the blogger.

Guest blogging can be very rewarding in more ways than one, so if you have the time to do it right, then you should market your services as a guest blogger.

These are just some of the methods you can use to build high quality backlinks and start building up your web traffic.

SEO Tips For Your Android App

10.33 0

SEO for Android apps

App deep linking is a relatively new concept in the world of search engine optimization. Google introduced deep linking back in June, and app developers have been using that to their advantage ever since. They're a way to increase user engagement by making the app content searchable and accessible through search engines. Today, we'll talk about SEO for your Android apps.

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What to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense

08.06 0
It seems that everyone wants to make money by joining up with Google AdSense and why not? Google AdSense is a relatively simple, straightforward way to actually start earning some extra money with your efforts.

However, things have changed from the early days of AdSense when joining was not much of an issue. Today, applying for AdSense takes more effort and some preparation so that you can take full advantage of their services.

First, you will need a good reason to apply for AdSense so you can reap the benefits that they offer. Here you will find out more about what Google AdSense is all about, what they offer and how you can properly prepare yourself before joining to really take advantage.

What is Google AdSense?

One of the most established internet networks to offer advertisement publishing, AdSense uses the Pay Per Click (PPC) system to help businesses reach out to others on the web. At one time, Google used to provide AdSense to everyone who used their Blogspot program, but now that has changed. 

Today, AdSense is one of the most respected thanks to the many thousands of satisfied publishers and customers who use the service. It is straightforward, easy to use and always pays on time which makes it very attractive to anyone wanting to have this service. If you do your work the right way, it will pay better than any other similar service on the web.

However, it is their very success that now makes them harder to join. When you apply, everything has to be just right otherwise you will not be approved.

How to Avoid Getting Your Application Rejected

There are a number of things to avoid when applying for AdSense so that your entry will not be discarded. Here are just a few.

Read Google Policies: Just like studying for a test, Google posts their policies about what it takes for your site to get into AdSense. So, take the time to read them and be sure that your website follows the rules.

Have Good Content: If your website doesn't have good or sufficient content, it will not be accepted. So, be sure that you provide them with enough to review. In addition, it has to be neat, professional and grammatically correct otherwise it will give them the excuse to toss out your application.

Aesthetically Pleasing: Garish yellows and lots of distracting glitz will also stop you in your tracks when you apply for AdSense. Your website should have a good, solid design that is comfortable to look at and pleasing for the visitor.

Post Your Contact Information: If Google cannot find a way to contact you through your website, you might as well not apply. Having an "About Us" page that is complete with contact info is the minimum to getting accepted.

Now that you've done the basics, it is time to hedge your bets when it comes to applying for AdSense by adding in items and procedures that will enhance your chances. While nothing is guaranteed, the following steps will help your website in getting approved.

10 Ways to Increase Your Chances when Applying for AdSense

1. Policy for Privacy

It may seem odd to have a privacy policy for your blog, but it is vital if you want to get AdSense approval. Without it, you might as well not apply at all. The policy itself should describe to those who visit your blog what they will see and what they can and cannot do.

2. Contact Information

This is where you put in your contact information. At the very least, it should consist of an email so that readers can contact you directly about any issue they have on your blog.

3. About Us

This is where you tell people a little about who you are, what your business does and how you are going to accomplish it. This is sort of like an introductory page to your efforts and it critical when you apply for Adsense.

4. Email & Name Verification

Be sure that you put your email as well as your name in your About Me or Contact Us page so that it will help Google verify you quickly.

5. Verify Age

Always use your correct name and date of birth when applying for AdSense. This is mostly for those who are under 18, but it is important to be truthful otherwise you'll never get approved.

6. Appropriate Design

Your blog should look attractive, professional and easy to use. You don't have to be fancy or pour in thousands of dollars, just make it clean and neat will be sufficient.

7. Have Plenty of Posts

Do you know that there is no minimum number of posts stated by Google in terms of what is required for joining AdSense? Even so, if you only have a handful, do not count on getting approved. You should shoot for about 500 or so before applying to demonstrate your seriousness about your efforts and make sure that they are at least 500 words in length.

8. Remember the Rules

No pornography, illegal items, advocating drug use or other items that will not get you any AdSense at all. Plus, if your posts are all less than 200 words, that will not work either.

9. Adds Value

Your blog or website must provide real value for your audience. This will not only help keep people visiting your site, but it will also impress Google as well.

10. Unique, Top Level Domain

Basically, this means that your domain should be a ".com" in order to succeed. Plus, the name itself needs to be short as possible, related to your area of interest and easy to remember.

When applying for AdSense, you will need to keep all of these things in mind so that you will be accepted. However, all of the attributes that Google AdSense requires are also ones that will boost your website as well. So, keep this in mind when you apply for AdSense because the result will be a blog that will start earning you another income stream that can build over time.

Now You Can Search For Information Within Microsoft Office!

10.33 0

Insights for Office

When it come to word-processing capabilities, nothing beats Microsoft's Word, not even Google Docs. The web version - Office Word Online - has just become more powerful with a new feature developed by the Bing and Office teams. Insights for Office is a more powerful way to search for information you need while working inside Office online. It is the perfect companion for Bloggers, authors, and content creators who make frequent use of online information to craft their content.

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Thousands Of WordPress Sites Blocked By Google

10.33 0

If you're a fan of adding fancy plugins to your WordPress installation to spice up your website, you might want to hold back a bit. A new malware campaign from has exploited certain vulnerabilities in a well known slider plugin to infect various domains. As a result, Google has blacklisted thousands of these malware-infected websites, many among them WordPress installations.

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Now Make Hotel Reservations With Bing!

10.33 0


In a fresh bid to add more value to the search engine, Bing has added a new feature for making hotel reservation on, along with some other nifty mobile features. So now when you're travelling, Bing can be your travel companion, and getting a place to stay should be one thing you can quickly check off your to-do list. Let's take a look at what Bing has been up to.

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How Does Google Treat Hidden Content Within A Website?

10.33 0

How Google treats hidden text

Google has already announced in the past that it looks at webpage content just as users see it, which means that it renders webpages with CSS and JavaScript, just like a browser. We earlier discussed that blocking these files may lead to disruptions in the crawl process and ultimately impact the rankings. This applies to content and links that are hidden by JavaScript, only to be made visible by the click of a button or a link.

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Show/Hide Blogger and Google+ Comments System With Toggle

08.43 0
Many Blogger site owners received the new Google+ Comment System pretty negatively because it forced all commenting users to create their own Google+ account before they were able to write a comment. The Google+ Comment System on Blogger was convenient to writers, but discouraged many users from continuing to comment on blogs because they simply didn't want to use Google+. For those that did use Google+ to make a comment, Blogger would never email you and notify you that someone left a comment; you could go days or weeks without ever realizing that you never responded to a reader.

In addition to frustrating your audience, the Google+ Comment System on Blogger depended upon the URL of your blog post. By changing your URLs or moving around your blog posts internally, you run the risk of losing every one of your comments that was placed using Google+.

Previously, the only way to solve this problem was to disable the comment system through your account settings, thus giving up your ability to use their Google+ account. Now, there's an easy new way to have the best of both worlds. Allowing fans of Google+ as well as everyday blog readers to access all same features, you’ll be able to engage every visitor equally. You can respond to comments while still being able to communicate with other Google+ users outside of your site and take advantage of the Google+ Comment System on Blogger.

google plus comments, blogger

How to Integrate Blogger and Google Plus Comments

To make the installation as simple as possible, I used inline jQuery and CSS, but who wants can change this code later. Also, the most accessible place I found to add it would be just after <b:include data='post' name='post'/>. So, let's start adding it:

Step 1. Log into your Blogger account and select your blog > go to 'Template' and press the 'Edit HTML' button on the right side.

Step 2. Click anywhere inside the code area and press CTRL + F keys to open the editor's search box and search for the following code:
<b:include data='post' name='post'/>
Step 3. Just after <b:include data='post' name='post'/> add the following code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<style>#comments, #gplus-comments-visibility {display:none;} .comments-icons {background: url( no-repeat; font-size: 20px; font-family: &quot;Arial Narrow&quot;,Arial,sans-serif; color: #555; font-weight: bold; padding: 18px 15px 0; height: 70px; } .comments-icons a img {vertical-align: middle;}</style>
<div class='comments-icons'>
Show Comments: <a class='show-hide-comments' href='javascript:void();' onclick='$(&quot;#gplus-comments-visibility&quot;).slideToggle();$(&quot;#comments&quot;).hide();'><img class='gplus-icon' height='35' src='' width='35'/></a> OR <a class='show-hide-comments' href='javascript:void();' onclick='$(&quot;#comments&quot;).slideToggle();$(&quot;#gplus-comments-visibility&quot;).hide();'><img class='blogger-icon' height='35' src='' width='35'/></a>
<div id='gplus-comments-visibility'>
<div class='g-comments' data-first_party_property='BLOGGER' data-view_type='FILTERED_POSTMOD' data-width='550' expr:data-href='data:post.url'/>
Note: The data-width is for setting the width of the comment box, so the number (550) indicated there can be changed according to the design of your blog.

Step 4. Press the "Save Template" button located at the top of the editor and view your blog to see if you have successfully added Google+ commenting system to Blogger.

Please note that in order to make this work, you need to make sure that you are using a version of jQuery in your site. Otherwise, add this line just above the </head> tag using the HTML template editor:
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

That's it!

From here on out, any reader that views your post has the option of making a comment using their Google+ account, or the native Blogger comments. Your readers will enjoy the flexibility that your site provides and you will also benefit from the inclusive services offered by Google.

How To Make Your Content Last Longer?

10.11 0

create evergreen content

A typical article or blog post goes through various stages in its life - from the time it is born and gets direct traffic to the time it eventually recedes into the background, only to be found by search engines (organic traffic), until it finally is no longer relevant to the current age and must be replaced. They are now just litter on the internet. But they don't necessarily have to be that way. The hard work you put into creating them can be saved by doing just some small extra effort.

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How Many Links Should A Webpage Have?

10.33 0

How many links can you have on a page?

It seems like we're going back to the basics. But this is one question that gets asked frequently. Along with backlinks, Google also treats the outbound links on a page seriously, and it ultimately boils down to how many good links and bad links you have on a page. But is there such a thing as too many outbound links? We know that too many outbound links can decrease the value of a page, but how many is many?

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How Does Bing Measure Content Quality?

10.11 0

Quality content

People are always going on about how SEO is important for their rankings, how marketing will popularize their blog, how important updating your blog regularly is, and so on. But the most important of all would have to be the content. Quality content will make or break your site, and at the core if it all, it's content that makes your blog successful. We've talked about how Google looks at quality content. Let's look at another perspective, and see what Bing has to say about quality content.

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How To Optimize Video Captions For Search Engines?‏

10.11 0

Video captions

Transcripts and captions are a way to enhance the video-viewing experience for users. They supplement the audio to help viewers better understand what's being said. Similar to subtitles in a movie, you can add captions to a your YouTube videos which are not only played with the video, but can also be shown separately and made clickable. In this post, we'll talk about captioning your YouTube videos.

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What is reCAPTCHA And How Is It Better For Your Site?

10.11 0

CAPTCHA is a way for websites to keep spam away. Users are asked to identify human-readable text. In theory, it is a perfect way of keeping away bots. But in reality, it's not user-friendly, and can be broken down by an algorithm easily. Google has begun rolling out a new API that simplifies the CAPTCHA experience. It is called the "No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA", and it just requires one click from the user.

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5 Cool CSS Tricks To Spice Up Your Website

10.11 0

CSS tricks

CSS is a basic part of any webpage, and is what gives the page its distinctive look. CSS can be simple yet complicated at the same time, from a simple typography rule to a complex animation. It can be used to create amazing things. Today, we'll share some CSS styles which you might useful, and may use on your website to spice things up a bit.

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Has Google Ever Penalized Itself Over Bad SEO?

10.11 0

Whenever Google rolls out updates to its algorithms that effect search result pages, many feel disillusioned, dismayed that they are being treated unfairly whereas the 'big fish' always seems to get away. Well, that isn't usually the case, and we're going to bust the myth today by demonstrating some instances where Google has been hit by its own penalty against bad SEO. Amusing as it may sound, it's actually true. No one is above the law, or their own law in this case :)

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Facebook Popup Like Box Widget For Blogger

04.43 0
Facebook has become the leading social media service on the Internet playing host to over 1.3 billion users; of those, 800 million login to their dashboard feeds at least once a day. Thanks to the vast number of active users on services like Facebook, acquiring new readers as a blogger or content provider has become easier than ever.

In order to produce an effective digital campaign, you absolutely must take advantage of social media by doing things like integrating Facebook on Blogger. Email marketing can be useful, but it comes with restrictions that could limit your blog's potential. Perhaps the most significant problem is that emails don't come with a face or personality like Facebook does.

Think of a time when you received an email in you inbox from someone you didn't know. Where you inclined to open it or did you send it right to the junk folder? If it's your first introduction to new consumer, they simply don't know who you are, what you want, and how you got their email. This sets off an initial breakdown of any type of trust that might have developed. The reputation of email marketing is further deteriorated with a study done by Kaspersky Lab, an Internet research firm. They estimate that around 70% of all the emails sent in the world are spam.

Sharing site content using a Facebook Like Box is just one of many strategies that can generate a regular flow of traffic from a diverse demographic that might have been previously inaccessible. Adding a Facebook Like Box to your site helps to reduces your individual workload, and instead distributes that ability equally among your readers.

When someone reads your content and appreciates the kind of work that you produce, they'll be willing to share that information to their followers and fans, setting off a viral reaction. The first step necessary to making this a reality is to make this change to your site. These next few steps will provide you with a quick and easy guide on how to add a 'Like Box' to your Blogger site so that you can began taking advantage of these great opportunities.

Click here for a DEMO

How to Add the Facebook Popup Like Box Widget

1. Log into your Blogger account and select your blog > go to 'Layout' & click the 'Add a Gadget' link on the right side
2. Once the popup window is open, select the HTML/JavaScript gadget from the list:

3. Copy and paste the following code inside the empty box:
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
#fbox-background {
    display: none;
    background: rgba(0,0,0,0.8);
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    z-index: 99999;

#fbox-close {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

#fbox-display {
    background: #eaeaea;
    border: 5px solid #828282;
    width: 340px;
    height: 230px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 32%;
    left: 37%;
    -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
    -moz-border-radius: 5px;
    border-radius: 5px;

#fbox-button {
    float: right;
    cursor: pointer;
    position: absolute;
    right: 0px;
    top: 0px;

#fbox-button:before {
    content: "CLOSE";
    padding: 5px 8px;
    background: #828282;
    color: #eaeaea;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 10px;
    font-family: Tahoma;

#fbox-link,#fbox-link a.visited,#fbox-link a,#fbox-link a:hover {
    color: #aaaaaa;
    font-size: 9px;
    text-decoration: none;
    text-align: center;
    padding: 5px;
<script type='text/javascript'>
jQuery.cookie = function (key, value, options) {
// key and at least value given, set cookie...
if (arguments.length > 1 && String(value) !== "[object Object]") {
options = jQuery.extend({}, options);
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
options.expires = -1;
if (typeof options.expires === 'number') {
var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date();
t.setDate(t.getDate() + days);
value = String(value);
return (document.cookie = [
encodeURIComponent(key), '=',
options.raw ? value : encodeURIComponent(value),
options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE
options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '',
options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '', ? '; secure' : ''
// key and possibly options given, get cookie...
options = value || {};
var result, decode = options.raw ? function (s) { return s; } : decodeURIComponent;
return (result = new RegExp('(?:^|; )' + encodeURIComponent(key) + '=([^;]*)').exec(document.cookie)) ? decode(result[1]) : null;
<script type='text/javascript'>
if($.cookie('popup_facebook_box') != 'yes'){
$('#fbox-button, #fbox-close').click(function(){
$.cookie('popup_facebook_box', 'yes', { path: '/', expires: 7 });
<div id='fbox-background'>
<div id='fbox-close'>
<div id='fbox-display'>
<div id='fbox-button'>
<iframe allowtransparency='true' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' src='//
style='border: none; overflow: hidden; background: #fff; width: 339px; height: 200px;'></iframe>
<div id="fbox-link">Powered by <a style="padding-left: 0px;" href="" rel="nofollow">Helplogger</a></div>
4. Press the 'Save' button to add the widget to your blog. That's it!


  • After adding the code, replace the address in blue with your site's facebook page URL.

  • The widget will appear 5 seconds after the page finishes loading. If you want to change this delay, change the number 5000 to a greater or lesser number in this part:
  • By default, the like box only shows up the first time the user visits your page.  If you would like the Facebook box to popup every time the page loads, then remove this line of code:
$.cookie('popup_facebook_box', 'yes', { path: '/', expires: 7 });
  • If you want to display only when user visits your homepage, go to 'Template' > hit the 'Edit HTML' button on the right side and search by clicking anywhere inside the code area and pressing the CTRL + F keys for this tag:
Paste the facebook popup widget right above the body tag and make sure to include the conditional tags below:
&lt;b:if cond='data:page.type == "index"'&gt;ADD THE FACEBOOK WIDGET CODE HERE &lt;/b:if&gt;
After saving your work, you can test out your new feature by returning to one of your old posts which should bring up a little popup widget asking if you'd like to join the site's facebook page.

If you don't see the Facebook Like Box on the page, you may need to delete your cookies or check out the 'Customization' section above in order to display the widget every time a user visits your site. Once this widget is added to your site, all your hard work should start to translate into an increase in web traffic and number of Facebook fans.

Penguin 3.0 Is Still Rolling Out According To Google!

10.11 0

Google Penguin 3.0

If you are wondering why you have been observing unusual traffic states throughout the past few weeks, it might probably because of Google Penguin. Day 45 or so since the Penguin 3.0 first started rolling out, and it is still going on. This makes it a very significant update since the 2.0 iteration last year, although the exact toll on the total percentage of queries is still unclear.

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European Parliament Calling For Break Up Of Google!

10.33 0


The European Parliament has finally voted in favor of a resolution to break up Google by 'unbundling' the search engine from the rest of its business. The vote calls upon the European Commission, which is the EU’s antitrust regulator, to “enforce EU competition rules [and] to consider proposals with the aim of unbundling search engines from other commercial services.”

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How To Change Your YouTube Account URL?

10.33 0

Are you stuck with your YouTube account URL you picked long ago that doesn't quite capture the essence of what you do anymore? Despair not, for YouTube is giving you a way out. You can now get a new custom URL that's more befitting of your brand. This is definitely better than opening up a brand new channel, and losing all of your previous subscribers. The option will be made available over the next week.

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The Fastest Growing Social Networks And Apps For Marketers Today

10.33 0


What is the hottest social networking platform to be on right now? If you thought Pinterest or Instagram, then you'd be close. But not close enough. If you thought Facebook, you couldn't have been more wrong! This time, the baton has been picked up by a network that's a blogging platform as well! A report by Global Web Index reveals that Tumblr is now the fastest growing social network, with its active user base having grown 120% in the past six months!

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Now Use Google To Get Insights Into Hottest Products This Holiday Season

10.33 0

The winter holiday season is just around the corner, with Black Friday just a few days away. For retailers, this is probably the busiest time of the year as shoppers from around the world wait for the annual sales. To help retailers maximize their business prospects this holiday season, Google has released a new set of mobile features to its Google Shopping platform, as well as some insights that will help online stores research the hottest products this holiday weekend

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How To Control Browser Cache And Cookies With HTML?

10.11 0

Control browser caching and cookies with HTML

Caching and cookies are two methods browsers employ to save data regarding a certain website. Caching is used to store some web page data locally for faster loading on each subsequent revisit, whereas cookies are small pieces of data containing important user information for a website. Not many webmasters know or use this, but you can actually use just HTML meta tags to control cookies and browser caching for your website!

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Understanding New Bing Mobile Crawlers

10.11 0

Bing webmaster tools

Mobile is growing at such as fast pace that it is no longer the future. Rather, as Bing puts it, it is the present. Search engines are now helping webmasters make their sites mobile friendly. For example, Google has recently launched a new mobile-friend testing tool which lets webmasters know if their website is good to go mobile or not. Bing has been hard at work too, and is ready to acknowledge all the work you've been doing to get crawled, selected, indexed, and ranked - from a mobile perspective.

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Google Launches Mobile-Friendly Site Testing Tool

10.11 0

Mobile optimization

The Mobile is growing at a fantastic pace. Not just in screen size and technical specs, but in usage as well. For some businesses, the mantra these days is 'Go mobile, or go home'. If you're a webmaster, you know all too well the struggles of maintaining a mobile site. To help you along, Google has introduced a mobile-friendly test tool to see if your mobile passes Google's criteria for what it considers to be a mobile optimized website.

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How To Send Money With SnapChat?

10.11 0

Send money with Snapchat!

Just when we thought messaging apps couldn't get any more unconventional, along comes Snapchat with a whole new trick up its sleeve. The popular photo messaging application that recently came to fame has announced a new feature "Snapcash" today through a deal with Square Cash, whereby users can send money to their friends as simply as sending a text message. The feature has been rolled out on Android, with the iOS version coming soon.

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Facebook Working On New Versio For Office Use

09.01 0

Facebook for Work

If you are tired of getting around the office firewall to chat with your friends, Facebook has a new hobby for your to waste your time on. According to sources within the company, Facebook is secretly working on a new version called "Facebook at work", which will revolve around your professional life. A team of Facebook engineers in the UK has been working on this version, and is currently under testing.

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Why Should You Join New Social Networks Early On?

10.11 0

Ello and Tsu - new social media to watch

It is true that life has become too fast-paced to be delving into social networks left and right. Joining every other social network is a mark of the overly ambitious, and is sometimes frowned upon. But when a promising new network pops up, getting onto the bandwagon isn't necessarily a bad thing. We have seen two new social networks surface this fall, and here's why you should check them out before everyone else does.

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5 Cool Recent Post Widgets for Blogger

12.55 0
For bloggers that pride themselves on always staying up-to-date with new content, a recent post widget for Blogger can be an invaluable tool. A recent post widget for blogger is in many ways similar to a 'breaking news alert' that journalists love to use during their reports, providing the most recent and relevant posts that you have to offer.

Adding a recent post widget for Blogger helps to reduce the dependency on email marketing, because you don't have to send out an email just to let people know you made a new post. Instead, it updates automatically for everyone to see. You can then use this information to design scheduled email newsletters, and take advantage of what's often referred to as the 'Twitter effect' where audiences will regularly check back on your site for the possibility that new posts are available. Without this, you force people to do run their own search for information and content, increasing the likelihood that they'll leave the site and hurt your bounce rate.

Once you've managed to attract visitors to one of your posts using the recent post widget for Blogger, it will continue to act as an accessible secondary resource to navigate around your site. That way, you can avoid having them sifting through old content that might be outdated. If you'd rather show off some of your best posts instead of your most recent posts, you can do that instead, or add that feature to the bar with just a few alterations.

Apart from looking great and taking up minimal space, there are too many benefits for you not to have a recent post widget for Blogger. The best part about these add-ons is that they come in a wide variety of designs that will fit any theme. If you're interested in adding a widget to your site, here are 5 cool recent post widgets that might catch your eye and fit perfectly with your Blogger template:
recent posts for blogger, cool widgets

Style #1

rainbow widget, recent posts
<script style="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script style="text/javascript">
var posts_no = 5;
var showpoststhumbs = true;
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<a style="font-size: 9px; color: #CECECE; float: right; margin: 5px;" href="" rel="nofollow">Recent Posts Widget</a>
<noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<style type="text/css">
img.recent-post-thumb {width:50px;height:50px;float:right;margin: 5px -5px 0px 0px; border-radius: 100%; padding: 3px;background: #fff}
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.recent-post-title {padding: 6px 0px;}
.recent-posts-details a{ color: #222;}
.recent-posts-details {padding: 5px 0px 5px; }

Style #2

recent posts widget
<div class="recentpoststyle">
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var posts_no = 5;var posts_date = true;var post_summary = true;var summary_chars = 80;</script>
<script src="/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=showlatestposts">
</script><a style="font-size: 9px; color: #CECECE; float: right; margin: 5px;" href="" rel="nofollow">Recent Posts Widget</a>
<noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript>
<style type="text/css">
.recentpoststyle {counter-reset: countposts;list-style-type: none;}
.recentpoststyle a {text-decoration: none; color: #49A8D1;}
.recentpoststyle a:hover {color: #000;}
.recentpoststyle li:before {content: counter(countposts,decimal);counter-increment: countposts;float: left;z-index: 2;position:relative;font-size: 20px;font-weight: bold;color: #fff;background: #69B7E2; margin: 15px 5px 0px -6px; padding: 0px 10px; border-radius: 100%;}
li.recent-post-title { padding: 5px 0px;}
.recent-post-title { font-family: "Avant Garde",Avantgarde,"Century Gothic",CenturyGothic,AppleGothic,sans-serif;}
.recent-post-title a {color: #444;font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none; padding: 2px; font-weight: bold;}
.post-date {padding: 5px 2px 5px 30px; font-size: 11px; color: #999; margin-bottom: 5px;}
.recent-post-summ { border-left: 1px solid #69B7E2; color: #777; padding: 0px 5px 0px 20px; margin-left: 11px; font-family: Garamond,Baskerville,"Baskerville Old Face","Hoefler Text","Times New Roman",serif; font-size: 15px;}

Style #3

recent posts gadget

<script style="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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var summary_chars = 70;</script>
<script src="/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showlatestpostswiththumbs"></script>
<a style="font-size: 9px; color: #CECECE; float: right; margin: 5px;" href="" rel="nofollow">Recent Posts Widget</a>
<noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<style type="text/css">
img.recent-post-thumb {padding:2px;width:65px;height:65px;float:left;margin: 0px 10px 10px; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #69B7E2;}
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.recent-posts-details {margin: 5px 0px 0px 92px; }
.recent-posts-details a{ color: #777;}

Style #4

recent posts for blogger, cool widgets
<script style="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script style="text/javascript">
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var showpoststhumbs = false;
var readmorelink = true;
var showcommentslink = true;
var posts_date = true;
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<a style="font-size: 9px; color: #CECECE; float: right; margin: 5px;" href="">Recent Posts Widget</a>
<noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<style type="text/css">
img.recent-post-thumb {padding: 2px; width:35px;height:35px;float:right;margin: -14px 0px 0px 5px; border: 1px solid #cea5ac; border-radius: 10%;}
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.recent-post-title { margin: 5px 0px; }
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.recent-posts-details a{ color: #888;}
a.readmorelink {color: #4DACE3;}

Style #5

recent posts, blogger gadget
<script style="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script style="text/javascript">
var posts_no = 5;
var showpoststhumbs = true;
var readmorelink = true;
var showcommentslink = true;
var posts_date = true;
<script src="/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showlatestpostswiththumbs" rel="nofollow"></script>
<a style="font-size: 9px; color: #CECECE; float: right; margin: 5px;" href="" rel="nofollow">Recent Posts Widget</a>
<noscript>Your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript>
<link href='|Gloria+Hallelujah' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<style type="text/css">
img.recent-post-thumb {width:50px;height:50px;float:right;margin: -4px -35px 0px 0px; border: 4px solid #FCD6CB; border-radius: 100%;}
.recent-posts-container {font-family: 'Gloria Hallelujah', cursive;  float: left;width: 100%;min-height: 55px;margin: 5px 0px 5px 0px;padding: 0;font-size:12px;}
ul.recent-posts-container {counter-reset: countposts;list-style-type: none; background: #fff; }
ul.recent-posts-container li:before {content: counter(countposts,decimal);counter-increment: countposts;z-index: 2;position:absolute; left: -20px; font-size: 16px;color: #616662;background: #FCD6CB;padding: 9px 14px; border-radius: 100%; margin-top: 15px;}
ul.recent-posts-container li {padding:5px 0px;min-height:50px; list-style-type: none; margin: -2px 5px 5px 5px;  border-top: 2px solid #FCD6CB;}
ul.recent-posts-container {border: 2px solid #FCD6CB; }
.recent-posts-container a { text-decoration:none; }
.recent-posts-container a:hover { color: #222;}
.post-date {color:#e0c0c6; font-size: 11px; }
.recent-post-title a {font-size: 14px;color: #616662;}
.recent-post-title {padding: 6px 0px;}
.recent-posts-details a{ color: #888;}
.recent-posts-details {padding-bottom: 5px;}
a.readmorelink {color: #4DACE3;}

How to Add Recent Posts Widget on Blogger

Want to add one of the styles above? Just follow the following steps below:

Step 1. Log in to your Blogger dashboard and click on your blog
Step 2. Go to "Layout" and click the "Add a gadget" link on the right side
Step 3. From the pop-up window, scroll down and select the "HTML/JavaScript" gadget:

Step 4. Paste the code of the chosen widget found below it.
Step 5. Hit the "Save" button... and that's it!

Keep Your Blog Updated

Using a recent post widget for Blogger can truly benefit you and improve your skill as a blogger. As you can see, these designs can look great on Blogger sites, but they do act a little bit like a progress report for the author. If you start to fall behind, the dates on your recent post widget will definitely give you away.

Set a schedule and make sure that you are making regular posts on the blog. These posts will be automatically updated on your widget and readers can view this information whenever they want. Add your recent post widget for Blogger on the every page of the blog or in your template so that these posts can encourage others to continue reading, thus increasing the total time spent on your site.

Twitter Building Timeline Design Similar To Facebook News Feed

10.11 0

New Twitter newsfeed

If you are one of those Twitter users who stick around because of its simplicity and sense of urgency, then your days of enjoying Twitter are probably at an end. Twitter has recently announced that it is working on some changes on users' homepage streams, and replacing the real-time updates with an algorithmically-controlled timeline not unlike the one you see on Facebook. If you run a business, this could mean a new approach for Twitter marketing is in order.

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Now Track Mobile Usability In Webmaster Tools

10.11 0

track mobile usability

The Mobile is growing at a fantastic pace. Not just in screen size and technical specs, but in usage as well. For some businesses, the mantra these days is 'Go mobile, or go home'. If you're a webmaster, you know all too well the struggles of maintaining a mobile site. So to keep you informed of issues mobile users might be seeing across your site, our good friend, Google Webmaster Tools, has now added a new Mobile Usability Feature.

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Apple Could Be Gearing Up To Enter The Search Game

10.11 0

Apple's search ambitions

Some recent evidence suggests that Apple might be gearing up to enter the search game and compete with its two biggest rivals - Microsoft (Bing) and Google. The story aired on an Apple Insider report where developer Jan Moesan was reported to have first discovered a 'mysterious' web crawler bot originating from Apple's servers. While Apple has announced nothing of the sort, this might be an official Apple project and could pave the way for Apple to enter the search market.

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Arsip Blog